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Best Mascara Ever? Splurge on Luscious Lashes.

Do you ever wish you could find the perfect mascara? One that actually does what it is advertised to do? I feel like as women we all do and I am here to let you in on a little secret... It exists!

Disclaimer: This isn't a $7 mascara you can pick up a your local Walgreens...BUT hear me out! This. Stuff. Rocks.

Until recently, I have never been the girl that was overly obsessed with make-up. I have honestly never been one that is able to justify spending more than $10 on one single product. Until one day I was perusing around Sephora with my best friend and came across this Too Faced Mascara. I had heard great things about it, but never could bring myself to splurge the $23 dollars for a single tube of black mascara.

Well, long story short, I splurged. I took the plunge. I spent the money.

Let me just tell you, it is the best dang mascara I have ever used. EVER. No exaggeration. My lashes have never been more black or more voluminous.

As you can see here, the mascara is only applied to the left side. Even though there isn't a drop of make-up on my face, this mascara completely transformed my over-all presence. It made my eye appear bigger and brighter. I mean, come on! Who doesn't love that?

Now, I understand some of us are on tight budget (In case you haven't noticed, college ain't cheap). But I am telling you, if you are going to splurge on only one high-end product for your make-up routine, make it this one.

Maybe you are one who has already dabbled into the pool of high-end make-up, but have never made your way around to trying Too Faced's mascara. Maybe you're waiting for a sign? Consider this your sign, girlfriend.

This mascara is my holy-grail product. I know it will be yours too!

Do you have any holy grail beauty products? Tell us what they are in the comments!

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